Training Undertaken
CranioSacral Training (CST)
CST Level 1 and 2. Anatomy and physiology of the craniosacral system and practical applications. 1997
Samato Emotional Release (SER) Levels 1 and 2. Releasing trauma from body tissues. SER is unique to Dr. Upledger’s training. 1998
Paediatric CST 1 & 2. Which focuses on the birth process and treatments for children and babies. 2005
Equine CST. Treating physical and emotional problems specifically found in the equine sector. 2005
Dolphin Assisted Bio Aquatic CST for paediatrics with disabilities. Learning how to offer CST in the sea or pool whilst involving dolphins. 2010, Turkey
CST and the Immune Response. Anatomy and physiology of the immune and enhancing its response via ‘Cell Talk’ techniques. 2020
Touching the Brain 1 & 2. Anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system and treating brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. 2021
Remote CST 1 & 2 with The Collage of Cranio-Sacral Therapy. London. Quantum science and the human Bio energy field and practical applications for remote healing. 2021
Controlled Remote Viewing Certificate stages 1-6. The International Remote Viewing Association. Expanding our experience and knowledge of quantum fields and remote viewing practical applications. 2023
Flower Essence
Flower essences Practitioner Certificate. Findhorn Scotland 2002
Flower essence Producer since 1999 UK
Registered member of B.A.F.E.P since 1999. British Association of Flower Essence Producers
CEO of Wildflower Essences established 1999.
General Training
Diploma in anatomy and physiology. Guildford College 1997
Fitness and exercise diploma. Royal Society of Arts 1998
Hydrotherapy (physiotherapy in water) certificate. 2001
Shiatsu (Japanese massage) certificate 1995 U.S.A
Training with O.B.O.D. Order of Bards , Ovates & Druids 2007-2024 UK