We are Nature
We originate from Nature and are a part of it, so it makes sense to rekindle our connection to Nature as surely It is at the heart of our healing.
Both adults and children can become imbalanced at times due to emotional, physical, and environment stresses. This may manifest in various pains, symptoms, and dis-eases that benefit from support while our body-mind is healing itself through its own innate intelligence.
Over the past 25 years I have developed a deeply intuitive connection with Nature through my personal endeavours and healing work, using CranioSacral therapy, astral structures for remote shamanic healing (Spiral Bridges), and my own British flower essences (Wildflower).
My approach to healing is collaborative. Nature spirit is always present, but clients are also invited to participate to travel deep into the physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual aspects of their health because to understand dis-ease is often an opportunity for learning, reframing, and growing. Seen this way healing can be so much more than the absence of pain and symptoms. It is a spiritual journey. That said, healing can also take place independently of clients’ beliefs and spiritual inclinations. In other words, you don’t have to believe in it or do anything to benefit from a healing session.
People from all walks of life have found resolution for their ailments and those of their children and animals.
I have had much success helping babies who have experienced birth trauma and its knock-on effects. Adults, adolescents, and children who experience chronic illness and pain, trauma, night terrors, fears, insecurities, behavioural issues, anger, confidence, and shyness of known or unknown causes have found relief from my healing sessions and flower essences. I also help “empaths” and highly sensitive persons (HSPs) who experience anxiety and external disturbances in managing themselves better. The animals I treat are pets, mainly horses, for their agility and performance to behavioural issues, recovery from injury or surgery and stressful events that have impacted their lives.
In addition to my healing work, I offer workshops and courses to enable clients to operate their own Spiral Bridges, the astral structures I have developed co-creatively with Nature as a tool to create a virtual safe space to communicate with Nature and receive healing from It. Some clients use them in conjunction with the Wildflower essences which I also make (using Spiral Bridges) and teach about. Wildflower essences can also be used on their own.